Find out what UK adults are most looking forward to post-lockdown

With the easing of lockdown measures this week many people have been pondering on the first thing they will do when all restrictions are removed.

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Naturally, visiting family members tops the table but only just, according to the results of research by High Speed Training.

An opinion poll among 2,000 adults across the UK found  that nearly half (42%) were looking forward to being reunited with relatives.


More than a third (37%) were desperate to get to the hairdresser while 36% of those polled were looking forward to a meal out.

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Going on holiday was the choice of 29% of responders, while 26% said they were looking forward to going to the pub.

A fifth of those surveyed chose a trip to the beach or going for a coffee.

Working out in a gym or enjoying a night out were selected by 12% of those polled.

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The findings revealed that those in the North East have the biggest appetite to get down the local, with 38 per cent stating that a trip to the pub would be their ideal first outing - ten per cent higher than any other region of the UK.

Millennials across the UK said they were most  looking forward to going out for a meal  (39 %)  compared to 10% that would rank getting a beauty treatment at the top of their priorities.

Simple pleasures

Richard Anderson, head of learning and development at High Speed Training, said: “The findings prove that after seeing our nearest and dearest, Brits are longing for life’s simple pleasures.

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"From enjoying a pint at the pub to sipping a coffee at a local café, activities supporting the hospitality sector have all featured in the top ten activities that we’d like to do first if there were no restrictions - a promising sign for the industry.”

Night out

The poll also concluded that Brits aren’t missing the arts, as less than one in ten of us would head to the theatre (7%) or gig (6%) as our first post-lockdown outing, with a much-needed night out (12%) and revitalising swim (9%) faring more popular.

High Speed Training is sharing expert advice with hospitality businesses, visit for more information.

(Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images).

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