Our postcode costs us more money

Recently there was a television programme on how our postcode affects our insurance costs, both on our cars and property.

The programme had centred its information on Blackburn’s postcode, but this also affects certian villages in the Ribble Valley, such as Simonstone and Read, where their postcode is still BB12 – the code for Burnley.

We pay rates to Ribble Valley Borough Council – which is more expensive than Burnley Borough Council – but the postcode has remained as it was when we were under Burley Borough Council nearly 20 years ago.


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The other disadvantage that follows from this postcode is that when looking for property on the internet, the details are for property in the BB12 area and not in the Ribble Valley.

This surely also has an effect on property values in the affected villages.

If we pay rates to Ribble Valley Borough Council we should have their postcode.

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