LETTER: Bus company has let down elderly and infirm

WE have now experienced two months of reduced bus timetable introduced by Transdev.

Passengers in the Rosehill and Bleak House areas of Burnley (route no. 6) appear to have been the worst affected. Previously there were buses into town every half hour, but these have now been reduced to an hourly service and in an afternoon there are none for more than two hours after 2-40 p.m., except when the schools are on holiday.

There are a lot of pensioners and disabled people in these parts, especially in the Cog Lane and Dalton Street area, and since no-one is kept informed of variations in schoolchildren’s activities, we cannot be certain whether the buses are running.

I feel the bus company has let down the elderly and infirm residents in this part of Burnley. Other routes do not appear to have suffered cuts to the same extent.



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