If you haven’t a head for heights, even looking at these might turn you to jelly - but this was how they looked after our amazing tower back in the day. Perched precariously between the iron girders, paint brushes in hand, these guys were just doing their day job. It’s incredible to think they carried out this kind of super-dangerous work without any safety equipment, but that’s how it was. There is one from the 1960s which looks like a harness might have been in place. But the others…
Was one of the workers a member of your family? We would love to hear the stories about how they carried out this work. If you can fill in the gaps, please get in touch [email protected]

. Tower Heights
Two men working on a girder in Blackpool Tower in 1933. They seem as comfortable as if they were sat at a desk! Photo: Reg Speller

. Tower Heights
Another lick of paint should do it. These workmen are almost as close as you can get to the flagpole on Blackpool Tower. They are strapped on. This was in the 1960s Photo: Archive

9. Tower Heights
Every credit to these guys who kept our tower in fine fettle for generations to come Photo: George W. Hales