This is how much it costs to buy houses in these 11 popular postcodes in and around Burnley16:08
Plans to expand two secondary schools in Burnley and Padiham14:29
Food contaminated by faeces is making tourists ill in Mexican holiday resorts - here’s everything you need to know13:53
Lancashire Health Awards:Now's your chance to nominate an inspirational health hero13:27
Harry Potter fans wanted to talk about their chosen Hogwarts house for new series13:27
Mothercare launches huge sale of baby toys, clothes and equipment12:12
Travel firms Laterooms and Super Break in administration - here’s what to do if you have a booking12:02
Padiham woman crashed into parked vehicle after drinking 'about two bottles of wine'12:47
Dame Carolyn McCall: meet the ITV boss who tackled an EasyJet meltdown and rewrote TV history11:07
An asteroid the size of the Empire State building will 'fly-by' Earth next week12:05
Court told man was in such fear of pensioner neighbour he never left his Burnley home without wearing bodycam10:43
Driver banned after 'shocking' dashcam footage caught his van flying over roundabout10:44
Students at troubled Burnley school given reassurance it will 'operate as normal' from September08:45
Storks ready for the new season after fine display