What to do during a ransomware incident

Don't become a victim of a ransomware attackDon't become a victim of a ransomware attack
Don't become a victim of a ransomware attack
Following another global ransomware incident, Action Fraud are again reiterating the importance of online security.

The UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime have issued advice on how to protect yourself from ransomware and what they should do if you become a victim.

How to protect yourself:

Don’t click on links, or open any attachments, you receive in unsolicited emails or SMS messages. The links may lead to malicious websites and any attachments could be infected with malware.

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Always install software updates as soon as they’re available. Whether you’re updating the operating system or an application, the update will often include fixes for critical security vulnerabilities.

Install anti-virus software on your computer and mobile devices, and keep it updated. Bear in mind that ransomware can often be picked up by visiting disreputable sites including illegal movie streaming websites and some adult sites.

Create regular backups of your important files to an external hard drive, memory stick or online storage provider. It’s important that the device you back up to isn’t left connected to your computer as any malware infection could spread to that too.

If you think you may be a victim:

Report to Action Fraud via www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_fraud or by calling 0300 123 2040.

Don’t pay extortion demands as this only feeds into criminals’ hands and there’s no guarantee that access to your files will be restored if you do pay.