Putting record straight on speeding

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In response to Jean Spencer’s letter, saying Andrew Stephenson MP and I shouldn’t have been given credit in this paper for action against speeding motorists in Brierfield and Reedley, I would like to put the record straight.

As clearly stated in the paper on 10th October, both Andrew Stephenson MP and myself were welcoming action taken by the police on 19th September, when several vehicles were stopped for speeding and other offenses. The operation, followed speed surveys undertaken by Lancashire County Council following requests by both our MP and myself earlier this year.

We received an update on this in May with the average traffic speeds on several roads and then in August the PCSO dealing with this issue agreed that a session of Community Road Watch would be carried out in September. This police operation took place on 19th September and the county council stated in their 1st October letter to our local MP that the police action had taken place “in response to complaints about speeding vehicles received from your constituent”.

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These were the complaints Andrew Stephenson MP and I had been pursuing on residents’ behalf for several months.

Mrs Spencer is correct to say there was a meeting on October 8th to discuss speeding in Brierfield and Reedley. However, I would question if this really was a “non-political community meeting” as the Labour councillor who organised this failed to invite either myself, or our local MP, or indeed any member of any other political party.

I also think even they would struggle to claim a community meeting in October to discuss concerns, was responsible for action on this issue which took place in September.

That said, despite not being invited to said meeting, I did find out about the meeting only a few hours before it was due to take place from a concerned resident. Understanding how serious this issue is to the residents of Reedley and Brierfield, I was able to attend at short notice, and was able to highlight the work both myself and our MP, along with Pauline McCormick, have undertaken throughout the last year.

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Never the less, I am pleased that, with six months to go to an election, Brierfield and Reedley’s Labour Councillors have woken up to this issue and look forward to the outcomes from their meeting. After all, with the area having six Labour Councillors, a Labour Police and Crime Commissioner and a Labour run County Council, if Labour are serious about tackling speeding in Brierfield and Reedley you would hope we will see the results very quickly.

I am sure residents will be watching closely.

County Coun. Christian Wakeford