Dog walks need need help, not badgering

Photo Neil Cross
Dog walker Lucy Williams with her dog TillyPhoto Neil Cross
Dog walker Lucy Williams with her dog Tilly
Photo Neil Cross Dog walker Lucy Williams with her dog Tilly
I would like to put across the point of dog owners against the new dog laws regarding the allowed places to walk.

From August 1st we will not be able to walk through parks or any field classed as a sports field. When children are playing, the majority of dog walkers respect this, but when there’s nobody there I don’t feel the need for this to be mandatory. Most dog owners clean up after their pets.

The biggest problem I have with this new law is that it’s saying dog owners are careless, allowing their dogs to run riot and not cleaning up after them. The same can be said for parents. Salthill Park, where I walk my dog, is always full of rubbish. Empty junk food wrappers, beer cans, wine bottles. Broken glass scattered and on more than one occasion needles. Not to mention countless cigarette butts. But all this is meaningless compared to a bit of dog poop isn’t it? Dog poop is far more dangerous than say a child getting stuck with a needle...

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Last point, the dog walk parallel to the park is so overgrown it is dangerous. There are bushes covering the paths, roots all over the floor, the ground becomes a mud bath when it has rained. I for one will not be using this path until it has been tidied, if I get a fine then I will fight it.

Our local council needs to stop badgering dog walkers and take steps to help us!

We don’t want much! A safe place to walk, bins would be nice too, and well maintained dog paths.

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