BNP chairman helped save lives in Syria

BNP leader Nick GriffinBNP leader Nick Griffin
BNP leader Nick Griffin
With almost every edition of your paper we are subject to pontification from various UKIP representatives who regale us with their opinions on a variety of topics through your “Readers’ views” column.

I very much doubt their scribbling influences anyone in local or national Government but I do not believe that is the intention.

Next year there will be another European Parliament election and one way of keeping your name in the minds of the electorate is to have regular mentions in the local press. Such prolific letter writing may give the appearance of being “politically active” without actually achieving anything and although it has often been said the pen is mightier than the sword neither are likely to be effective if wielded by amateurs.

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There is, however, another North-West MEP writing letters that do not appear in the local or even national press but nonetheless achieve wide-ranging beneficial results. British National Party Chairman and North-West MEP Nick Griffin recently visited Syria as part of an EU fact-finding mission at the invitation of the Syrian Government. While in Damascus, Nick Griffin MEP, assisted Syrian Government ministers and diplomats in drafting a letter setting out their position regarding the conflict presently engulfing their nation.

That letter was subsequently delivered to British Members of Parliament immediately prior to the vote which would decide whether or not British forces would become embroiled in the Syrian conflict. (For more detail you could visit the BNP web-site).

Some British Government observers believe the tone and content of this letter may well have been the catalyst that persuaded enough MPs, including our own Mr Birtwistle, to vote against the warmongering of David Cameron. This of course led to Obama having to revise his position and there is no doubt many lives have been saved by abandoning the planned attack on Syria.

Although rank and file establishment politicians can have little or no influence regarding the actions of their respective Governments, there are occasionally opportunities to use that elected position for the greater good. Nick Griffin MEP took that opportunity and voluntarily flew into a war zone where he made best use of the expertise gleaned from his years of political campaigning against the British establishment. Should Nick Griffin fail in his bid to be re-elected to the European Parliament in 2014 he will at the very least be able to claim his writings contributed something useful during his time as an elected representative. What will UKIP politicians claim from their letter writing?

John Cave

Caernarvon Avenue, Burnley

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