Hockey-inspired comedy heading to The ACE Centre, Nelson

The Garrick cast of Daisy Pulls It Off brushing up on their hockey skills for a sport-inspired play.The Garrick cast of Daisy Pulls It Off brushing up on their hockey skills for a sport-inspired play.
The Garrick cast of Daisy Pulls It Off brushing up on their hockey skills for a sport-inspired play.
Denise Deegan's hockey-inspired comedy, Daisy Pulls It Off, will be staged at The ACE Centre, Nelson, by The Garrick.

Set in a girls’ boarding school in the 1920s, it brims with japes, rivalry, secrets and adventures.

Director Eleanor Jolley said: “There is a tense hockey match in the play and I want the cast to look as though they’ve grown up with a hockey stick in their hands.”

The cast were offered expert advice during training with Sarah Towers at Pendle Forest Hockey Club.

The show will run from November 28th to December 1st, at 7-30pm.

Tickets: 01282 661234.

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