And Lancashire County Council have again asked for your suggestions after adding nine new gritters to their fleet of 45 ahead of winter.
They’ve already got Basil Salty, Gritasaurus, Captain Snow, Holly Chilloughby and Albert Icestein on hand so is it time for Professor Chris Gritty or Nicole Saltslinger?
You can enter LCC’s competition to name a new gritter by Friday, October 29.Full entry details can be found HERE and we’ve rounded up some of the best suggestions below.
You were asked for your suggestions for gritter names and did not disappoint
. Jane Fr'Austen
One for the more literary among you. A classical choice for sure.
. Old man Marley
He's the dude out of Home Alone and he literally shovels snow.
. Snow Patrol
Does exactly what it says on the tin.
. Nicole Saltslinger
A bit of diva with your gritter?
. Grinch
It's a winter thing but is it really in the right spirit? Booooooo
. Chris Rea
He's driving home for a gritter
1. Jane Fr'Austen
One for the more literary among you. A classical choice for sure.
2. Old man Marley
He's the dude out of Home Alone and he literally shovels snow.
3. Snow Patrol
Does exactly what it says on the tin.
4. Nicole Saltslinger
A bit of diva with your gritter?