Not politically motivated claptrap, it is fact

In response to a letter from Mr Aslin, I would like to point out an inaccuracy in his remarks.

Firstly, Mr Tomlinson has been out with the councillors in Bank Hall numerous times.

Secondly, Mr Tomlinson’s letter is not potitically motivated claptrap, it is fact.

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Mr Tomlinson was born in Bank Hall and has lived his life here . He has seen his beloved area go down over the years and has worked hard to make it a better place for everyone, without financial assistance.

If Mr Aslin would like to see the area at first hand, I think it would open his eyes to the deterioration of the area and, I would like to note, we have three councillors for Bank Hall, two which have not been seen. As for the only two councillors actively involved in the town for the betterment of their area I think this is a slight on the rest of the town’s councillors.

Bank Hall resident