LETTER: Councillors do not represent the views of the people

I HAVE always believed councillors are elected to represent their constituents.

However, after reading three separate reports in last week’s Leader-Times regarding planning applications, I realise this is not always the case.

Firstly, your report states Colne councillors held a private and secret meeting with developers Persimmon Homes to discuss design of their proposed housing development.

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Representatives of the residents’ group Get Knotted were excluded from the meeting and told by councillors they were not allowed to attend.

Secondly, a planning application for the change of use of a shop to a cafe and wine bar was approved by councillors despite objections from residents and the presentation of a petition with 27 signatures.

Coun. Ann Kerrigan proposed the matter be deferred for talks between all parties but was unable to find a seconder. She was quoted as saying “we cannot overlook the views of 27 people”.

Apparently they can.

Finally, a proposal has been submitted to erect a block of eight houses on Collingwood Street, Colne.

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It is scheduled for determination by council officers using delegated powers.

Once again, a total disregard for the views and objections of the people the councillors were elected to represent.

I suggest that if councillors are not willing to listen to their constituents then they should stand down and make way for others that are prepared to listen.


Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Green Party